There’s a sniper where?!?!?!

I haven’t posted in quite awhile.   I’ve been a busy girl……

In the last 6 weeks I’ve been 400 meters underground…..seen North Korea up close and personal…..Watched a real international football(soccer) game…..Had beers…make that several beers with a couple of Irish guys, 1 full, 1 just half…saw the Sea of Japan from 22 floors up….and hang out with zombies.

I think that qualifies as busy.  To be honest, I’m not sure where to start.

Perhaps I should start out by saying that if you come to Korea and don’t take the USO tour of the DMZ you have just done yourself a disservice.  As it is the most amazing thing I have ever done!  Yes, I was nervous about having rifles pointed at me by North Koreans, but when you get back on the bus, sit down and realize what you just saw…..I still get chills.

We went down into the 3rd tunnel…saw the black powder paint the North Koreans used to mark their way through.  That was cool and all, but it was nothing compared to when we pulled up to Camp Bonifas and an American MP stepped on our bus to escort us into the most heavily guarded area on Earth.  Maybe I’m just biased, but I love our guys in uniform….Just throwing that out there……

Before we could go into the JSA (Joint Security Area), where North and South Korea can meet peacefully, we pretty much had a debriefing.  It was candid and everything you would hope it would  be.  Then it was time to get back into our single file lines and walk into the little blue room.  The ROK (Republic of Korea) soldiers are truly badasses!!  They are constantly in a stance for attack.

Look at that guy!

That folks is The JSA

A group of Okies...

Looking into North Korea, you realize how small this world is.  That certain things just don’t matter.  I can not wait to go back to the DMZ.   I hope more people would go.  You are perfectly safe.  My cell phone worked the entire time…

In the next few days I’ll update on more of what I wrote at the beginning….As I have much to talk about!!!  But as always….

From Korea, with love!

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