Comfort Kimchi and Cheese

After a week of my mom being here, seeing her leave was no fun. B being the sweet boyfriend he is, insisted on going to the airport with us. Helping mom with her bags and being there for me after we couldn’t see her anymore.  Instead of taking the bus home, which is nothing a moving, vomit-inducing wagon, we opted for the tube. Leading us to New Malden. The Korea-Town of London. We have a favorite place, Yami. Sitting in there makes us feel like we are back in Seoul. The tables are the same, the food is the same. Same multiple side dishes. Most of the time we are the only Westerners in the entire place. I love it, and seeing mom go back home I was in the mood for some comfort food. Kimchi Jjigae, a spicy, thick soup full of tofu, pork and lots of kimchi.

After every trip to New Malden, I then have to visit the local Korea Foods shop and stock up.  The last few times I’ve been by, they didn’t have the cheese ramen I pretty much lived on last year. Cheesy Goodness

It’s the simple pleasures that comfort us. Like knowing that I can pick up new favorite foods, or that I’ll be seeing my mom again in just a few months.

From Korea Town, with love. ^^

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