80 Squats for a cookie!!

Our wedding is just over 8 months away!! It’s not quite the final countdown, but I do have lots to get accomplished before I zip up my dress, and hopefully a dress that is smaller than I would need right now.  Recently, I was involved in a 21 Day Challenge group on Facebook.  We focused on water intake, watching calories and getting 30 minutes of exercise a day.  Do you know how hard it is to drink half your body weight of water in ounces is?! Pretty freakin’ hard!!! I was going to bathroom every 30 minutes, I swear to God.  The challenge ending just before Thanksgiving, and I lost 2lbs! Mainly because I didn’t get off my ass.  Channeling Michelle Pfeiffer in Dangerous Minds for my day job is tough work and I was tired when I got home. Yeah! That’s my story.

So I didn’t work out at all in November, I quit the 30 day squat challenge on day 7 cause, damn! 80 squats hurt. For December I am taking Latin Dancing classes. I’ve paid for them, and I’m poor so I have to go now. Wasting money is not an option anymore. I’m about to be a wife, I must  learn to budget!!    I have now told the world I am taking dance classes. The world must now hold me accountable.

In 8 months I am going to look slim and glistening in my wedding dress. Slim, because I’m going to do this. Glistening, because our wedding is in August, in Oklahoma and I’ll be sweating like a whore on Sunday.

From the gym,

With love!