Brooke Teacha…Where you been???

I haven’t written a post in near a year.  I kept meaning to, but then didn’t.  I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

I am no longer Brooke Teacher, and while I wouldn’t trade my days as a teacher to some of the sweetest, cutest, smartest kids in the Eastern Hemisphere. I am glad that chapter of my life is closed.  My time in Korea taught me things I never knew I needed being taught.

That you can work a full week while having a 101 temp and border line walking pneumonia and manage to get things done.  Apply and get accepted into grad school within 10 days. Start to finish.  Have your intelligence and patience tested daily for weeks on end by your superior, yet remain polite and courteous…..Melt downs in the stairwells doesn’t count.  Have your life turned upside down and plans changed because oceans aren’t going to keep you apart.

This new chapter of my life involves a new country, a new school, and more adjusting.

I’ve moved to London, y’all.

Started graduate school (yeah, I know) and getting used to misty rain and lots o’ tea. I’m liking it here. I think. The British. I’m quite fond of one said Briton.  The rest? Only time will tell.  Between young mothers pushing their strollers (prams) everywhere. I think they are the ajumma of the English. (Ajumma: Old Korean woman that will mow you over.), and everyone else walking around with an angry look on their face. I smile at them, they look at me funny, and then smile back.

At one point, I heard some people talking and thought ” wow, you sound pretentious” and then remembered where I was.  The first week I was here I thought My Briton was going to kill me if I said ” You sound like you’re from London” one more time.  But that was nothing compared to the fiasco that occurred when we visited Parliament, and I had forgot that my innocent pocket knife was still in my backpack……Yeah, there’s no telling what kinds of “lists” I’m on now.

I am loving my experiences thus far.  I don’t think I’d ever fit in anywhere where there’s not cattle grazing within a 10 mile radius, with proper cowboys tending them. But I do know that if I don’t continue to chase whatever it is in me that won’t let me stay home I’ll never be happy.

Stay tuned……My Briton and I are going to Ireland this weekend, let’s see if I get something else confiscated.

From London, With love! XX