Blarney is more than just a stone.

A few weeks ago, B and I went to Ireland. Ireland. The land of my ancestors.  I wasn’t even that scared on the plane, I was so excited.

I have wanted to go to Ireland for as long as I can remember. I was expecting green fields and smiley people and old men walking with canes, coming out of pubs.

I got all of that and more!

Blarney Castle

We were met at the airport by our friends Shane and Morgan. Shane is Irish, Morgan is Texan. Two of the  quirkiest people I know, and I love them for it.   As we were walking through security, Bill mentioned that if we weren’t greeted with a sign, he’d be disappointed.  So as we turned the corner, we see Shane holding up this thin strip of paper, with our names on it.  A sign made from an old receipt.

We dropped our bags off at their house, and Shane’s roommate (mom) took us into Cork City.  As we walked around, all I could think was “I’m in Ireland. I’m drinking a pint, in an Irish pub. Is that guy getting arrested?” I had been in Ireland for less than 2 hours and already saw a guy getting a talking to by the Garda (Police, in Irish).  I was in heaven.

The highlight of the trip for me was going to Blarney Castle. The famous castle, where you lay on your back and bend backwards to kiss the Blarney Stone. Thus gaining the gift of gab. Of course I did this.

Kissing the Blarney Stone

What I wasn’t expecting from Blarney, was how beautiful the grounds would be.

There is this “secret” garden, behind a high rock wall.  You walk through a low beam tunnel and discover on the other side this wonderland. Waterfalls and a witch’s kitchen, and trees with red fall leaves.

It also had these strange plants, that looked like they should have been in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Huge green leaves and tall branches.

Fairy Plants

It was a total fairy land.  As you follow the path, you discover more waterfalls, and old druid sites.  Ireland is so old. No, not old. Ancient.  Ireland is ancient.   People know about the Potato Famine, and that the Republic of Ireland was once part of the Commonwealth. Or that Guinness is brewed in Dublin.  But they forget, or just do not know, that Ireland was invaded by Vikings. Which means that there were people on this green island, long before the Vikings.

Druids and faeries and witches and Blarney stones.

My dream to visit Ireland is now complete and I can not wait to visit again!!

From Ireland, with love.

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